Building Reimagined

Why We Created C2CPRO

Written by Admin | May 13, 2018 2:00:00 PM

Why We Created C2CPRO

May 14, 2018

The initial vision was to design software and new systems that would give the customer greater certainty of the cost involved with a build or renovation, from concept to completion.

C2CPRO software programs were tested and refined on real-life projects, with designers, builders and tradespeople all working together within the program.

It soon became apparent that not only were the clients happy with the outcome of the build, but all parties involved achieved a win.

C2CPRO ensures that everyone benefits from knowing who is involved in the project, the associated costs, and the milestones that need to be achieved. This uniformed approach results in remarkable outcomes for all involved parties networked within the software.

"I like the fact that I can see where all my money goes through the use of a joint security account" - C2CPRO customer.

There have been very few technological advancements in the home building industry until now. This ground-breaking software has come not a moment too soon, filling a real void in the market due to so many people under extreme levels of pressure and stress.

Now more than ever, the odds are stacked against you to navigate your way toward a successful build. C2CPRO helps the customer to develop a reliable team, working openly and transparently towards a shared goal.

Where Does the Current Building Model Fail?

  • The project contract price is obtained from an estimate, meaning all involved parties are at risk of project failure
  • Trades and Suppliers are not paid promptly, making them unreliable as they go to jobs where the money is
  • The hidden costs and risks needed to support the current payment funnel means the customer is paying extra for no additional benefit
  • Due to the lack of transparency, the customer is making payments without knowing what they are paying for

The customer and builder risk trades and suppliers taking their services elsewhere, if not paid on time.

What Can C2CPRO Deliver?

  • Complete transparency from all engaged parties
  • A clear scope of work, documenting all tasks trades are to carry out
  • A payment method that ensures the right people are paid the right amount, at the right time
  • Competitive pricing from tradespeople who want to work within the C2CPRO platform, knowing they will be paid promptly and securely
  • Wholesale prices for fixtures and fittings through the Shopping List Program, eliminating the need for suppliers to provide accounts for builders

It makes sense that all service providers are achieving a win for their effort and pride put into their work. Service providers such as designers, suppliers, and building trades, will work together to create a cohesive team, with the overall winner being you!

If you're thinking about undertaking a renovation or a new home build in South East Queensland, discover how successful building all starts with C2CPRO by using our free Concept Discovery program – request a demo.

Alternatively, contact us and we can connect you with a choice of networked builders or designers using the C2CPRO software, who can guide you through the Concept Discovery program in person.